To Know Jesus and To Make Him Known
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Pastor Greg's Bio

Back at it again, it’s been about 8 years since the plant of South Bend Community Church.  You see, I am not 30 years old anymore.  I have had a lifetime of blessings, the good ones and the not so good ones.  Our God works to both “define” and “refine” us. The difficulties we go through depends on when we get on board to walk with God, to live as He wants us to live, to treat others as He instructs us through His Holy Word.  Some of you know this story, my story, I’ll try to keep it brief this time.  

I was born in Rushville Indiana where I grew up and after graduating from high school I attended Ball State University where I received my undergrad degree in Broadcasting, (Radio, TV, Motion Pictures). My sweet Mom, Darlene is still with us, she is 90 now going on 58!  She is my rock on this earth, I am thankful for her. 

Let’s fast forward to about 18-20 years ago, (2005-06).  God has always called me but I have not listened.  He put me on a path of purging the bad things I had put in my life such as people, habits, attitudes, choices and excuses.  I am thankful today that His Holy Spirit was with me every second of every day and lets not forget His Loving Grace.  I began Seminary in 2012 and finished in October 2015 with my Master’s Degree in Christian Ministry from Charlotte Bible College and Seminary in Concord North Carolina.  Graduating deeply touched my heart.  God had blessed me with the passion and desire to learn, to read His Holy word, to study, through a burning desire to learn and completely follow Him. 

My heart and my mission are to give Hope through my preaching, teaching and by telling others about the wonderful love of Jesus.  These are my thoughts; this is my heart.  Please visit me, SBCC Online and allow us together to continue this learning journey that is necessary to build and continue a precious relationship with our Savior.

Pastor Greg